What’s the plural of Fox? What is the full form of Flamingo? Merriam Webster Collegiate English DictionaryĮnglish-Russian Lingvistica'98 dictionary black rhinoceros rhinoceros beetle white rhinoceros RHINOCEROS - носорог pl носороговые ( Rhinocerotidae ) - African black rhinoceros - Asiatic two-horned rhinoceros - black rhinoceros - great Indian ….RHINOCEROS - носорог pl носороговые (Rhinocerotidae) - African black rhinoceros - Asiatic two-horned rhinoceros - black rhinoceros - great Indian rhinoceros - Indian rhinoceros - Javan rhinoceros - Malayan ….RHINOCEROS - rhinoceros.ogg raıʹnɒs(ə)rəs n ( pl тж.Any of five extant African and Asian species (family Rhinocerotidae) of three-toed horned ungulate s. RHINOCEROS - (plural rhinoceros or rhinoceroses), rhino - a very large thick-skinned animal from Africa or Asia, which has ….RHINOCEROS - noun COLLOCATIONS FROM CORPUS ■ NOUN horn ▪ I always thought that was rhinoceros horn.

Webster's Revised Unabridged English Dictionary ) Any pachyderm belonging to the genera Rhinoceros, Atelodus, and several allied genera of the family Rhinocerotidae, of … RHINOCEROS - (n.) Any pachyderm belonging to the genera Rhinoceros, Atelodus, and several allied genera of the family Rhinocerotidae, of which several ….Webster's New International English Dictionary RHINOCEROS - rīˈnäs(ə)rəs noun Etymology: Middle English rinoceros, from Latin rhinocerot-, rhinoceros, from Greek rhinokerōt-, rhinokerōs, from rhin-, rhis nose + -kerōt-, ….RHINOCEROS - Any of five extant African and Asian species (family Rhinocerotidae) of three-toed horned ungulate s.RHINOCEROS - noun (plural -noceroses also -noceros or rhinoceri) see: horn Date: 14th century any of a family (Rhinocerotidae) of large heavyset ….More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word «RHINOCEROS» in dictionaries. Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.