With this handgun, you’ll be able to finish your enemies off effectively when your M249 Saw needs to reload while in the middle of a gunfight. Instead of utilities like the Super Shorty handgun or the gonne-6 hand cannon, you’ll be going in with a very reliable handgun in the SDP 9mm. This loadout is really solid when it comes to offensive power because of the secondary weapon. This usually results in more stable firing, especially while performing long sprays. That’s because the compensator greatly reduces the M249’s recoil diamond size, therefore, greatly reducing its horizontal recoil as well as its random recoil in all directions. That’s why for many players, when it comes to controlling the M249 Saw’s recoil, the best barrel attachment would actually be the compensator and not the flash hider. The M249 Saw’s recoil is more manageable compared to most light machine guns in the game, but it has quite a rough horizontal recoil.

M249 Saw with Scope 2.0x, Compensator, and Vertical Grip + SDP 9mm with Muzzle Brake and Laser + Smoke Grenade She also has the weapons and utilities that makes her a very powerful operator even without her Trax Stingers.ĥ. And it’s not just her Trax Stingers that make her a very troublesome attacker to deal with. Generally, Gridlock uses her Trax Stingers to block paths that enemy roamers could use for flanking her team. Each of these barbed mats are capable of dealing heavy damage to enemies that will attempt to walk over them. After being deployed, each of them will keep releasing round barbed mats that could cover a large area until a total of nineteen barbed mats have been released. Gridlock’s special gadget, the Trax Stingers, are some of the most troublesome attacker utilities in the game.